The Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) develops national programs, technical policies, and regulations for controlling air pollution and radiation exposure.
The Official Web site of the Office of Consumer Affairs & Business Regulation.
Massachusetts Standards of Practice
Massachusetts Board or Inspectors
Massachusetts Consumer Fact Sheet
EPA & Radon resources
Lead Paint
MA Trial Court Law Libraries Lead Paint Pathfinder
MA Department of Public Health
UFFI Insulation
The UFFI program has been discontinued and the statute concerning air testing was repealed on 11/08/02; information on former air testing results and removal contractors is still available.
Private Wells
Swimming Pools, Hot tubs and Spas
Electromagnetic Radiation Hazards
EIFS Information
EIFS Facts
What is EIFS?
Exterior Design Institute EIFS 3rd party inspectors
Appliance Information
Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers
Carbon Monoxide information
MA Consumer Guide for Carbon Monoxide Alarms
MA Carbon Monoxide Safety Flyer
MA Carbon Monoxide Regulations
Swimming Pools, Hot tubs and Spas
Home Maintenance and Repair
Household Products Database
Tenant Resources
Wood Boring Insects
National Pest Management Association
MA Pesticide Bureau
MA DEP Title 5 Septic Certification
Massachusetts DEP
Mesothelioma & Asbestos Awareness Center – Information resource on asbestos and cancer.
Article: Asbestos Awareness for Home Inspectors and Home buyers
an up-to-date resource for all asbestos issues ranging from occupational – Mesothelioma Causes exposure to – mesothelioma symptoms
Indoor Air Quality
EPA Air Quality
Sick Building Syndrome resources
Jeff May Indoor Air
Potassium Iodide The drug potassium iodide (KI) may provide additional protective measure to prevent any adverse affects that might occur to the public if exposed specifically to radioactive iodine during such an accident at a commercial nuclear power plant.
Code Check
CPSC Recalls
More home specific recalls
Home Fire Safety
MA Department of Fire Safety