Water Quality: Getting your well tested for drinkablity
If you are a home buyer, and if the home you are purchasing has well water, your mortgager or lending institution will, in most cases, require you to get the well tested for potability (drinkability). If you are a home owner, it is recommended that you periodically test your water as the aquifer that it draws upon can change. Sherman Home Inspections, LLC. provides this service through local state certified labs, which offers a wide range of testing options that address any concern or environmental issue that could affect your water. Our experience with them over the years has shown that their laboratory combines professional staff with state of the art equipment and provides you, our clients, with fast, accurate and confidential results using the most up to date testing methods.
Whether you own or are buying, your water quality is worth thinking about! Health professionals recommend drinking eight glasses of water a day. What kind of water are you and your family drinking? How often do you think about the quality of your water? Pure and properly maintained drinking water is essential for good health and having healthy water is not as hard as you think! It all starts with a simple water analysis.
The following analyses, with their applications and inclusions, are offered:
- Standard Scan
Tests for common causes of unhealthy water and low water quality. Choose this water test if you need a basic scan for some of the more common contaminants found in water. This test covers all known banking requirements including FHA and VA mortgages.
Test includes: total coliform bacteria, fecal/e. coli, lead, plus: sodium, potassium, copper, iron, magnesium, calcium, arsenic, pH, turbidity, color, odor, conductivity, total dissolved solids (tds), sediment, alkalinity, chlorine, chloride, hardness, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, sulfate. - Comprehensive Scan
Powerful testing for surface water and deep well sources. Tests for 61 volatile organic compounds (including MTBE) as well as the common causes of unhealthy and low quality water. This is the best test for determining general water quality.
Test includes: total coliform bacteria, lead, nitrate, nitrite, radon, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, chloride, chlorine, hardness, pH, total dissolved solids (tds), alkalinity, odor, conductivity, sediment, turbidity, arsenic and 61 volatile organic compounds. - Health Scan
Checks for the most common health risks. Opt for this test to find out if your drinking water contains common health-related contaminants.
Test includes: total coliform bacteria, lead, nitrate, nitrite, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, chloride, chlorine, color, hardness, pH, total dissolved solids (tds), sulfate, ammonia, plus: fecal/e. coli, alkalinity, odor, conductivity, sediment, turbidity, arsenic and 61 volatile organic compounds. Identification of micro-organisms to the genus and species level. - Comprehensive Plus Pesticides Scan
Includes everything in the Comprehensive Scan and adds 17 pesticides to the analysis. Perfect for clients near farming areas or who suspect inappropriate use of pesticides in the surrounding neighborhood. Test includes: total coliform, fecal/e. coli, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, alkalinity, chloride, chlorine, color, conductivity, hardness, nitrate, nitrite, odor, pH, sediment, total dissolved solids, sulfate, turbidity, arsenic, lead, ammonia, radon, 61 volatile organics compounds (including MTBE) plus the following pesticides: aldrin, a-bhc, b-bhc, d-bhc, g-bhc, chlordane, 4,4′-ddd, 4,4′-dde, 4,4′-ddt, dieldrin, endosulfan i, endosulfan sulfate, endrin, endrin aldehyde, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, methoxychlor, toxaphene. - Environmental Scan
A very inclusive test. Consider this test if you’re concerned about industrial / agricultural pollution from either a nearby industry or a landfill or dump. Unauthorized dumping anytime in the past can pollute your water. Test includes: total coliform, fecal/e. coli bacteria, lead, nitrate, nitrite, radon, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, chloride, chlorine, color, hardness, ph, total dissolved solids, sulfate, ammonia, alkalinity, odor, conductivity, sediment, turbidity, arsenic and 61 volatile organic compounds (including MTBE) as well as a standard plate count (spc), fluoride, tannins, 3 herbicides and 19 pesticides including pcb’s, the heavy metals antimony, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium and zinc, as well as total petroleum hydrocarbons (tph), methylene blue active substances (mbas), hydrogen sulfide, o-phosphorus and t-phosphorus. - Advanced Environmental Health Scan
Our most inclusive test. This is one of the most thorough scans available today. The scan includes a microanalysis and analysis for semi-volatile organic compounds. Consider this test if you’re concerned about industrial / agricultural pollution from either a nearby industry or a landfill or dump. Unauthorized dumping anytime in the past can pollute your water. Test includes: total coliform, fecal/e. coli bacteria, lead, nitrate, nitrite, radon, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, chloride, chlorine, color, hardness, pH, total dissolved solids, sulfate, ammonia, alkalinity, odor, conductivity, sediment, turbidity, arsenic and 61 volatile organic compounds (including MTBE) as well as a standard plate count (spc), fluoride, tannins, 3 herbicides and 19 pesticides including pcb’s, the heavy metals antimony, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium and zinc, as well as total petroleum hydrocarbons (tph), methylene blue active substances (mbas), hydrogen sulfide, o-phosphorus and t-phosphorus.